You might have a capable team for production and sales. Your growth requires to expand into foreign markets and to decentralise management responsibilities. The investment in potential foreign places implies risks. We help to screen and to monitor these risks and to calculate them. In particular, human resources are your first concern, since your profile and USP are there. For this reason, we see the HRD first and have techniques to develop your foreign team according to your core organisation. This objective is valid also if you carry out your activities for years in the partner country, given that the level of salaries is increasing and the unclear situation which limits the increase. Spelleken & Ruelle Assoc. offers the following services of consulting and training:
- Search and selection of personnel, such as headhunting and transparent efficient management skills through Assessment Centre, Training and coaching.
- Organisational development: assistance when building up the organisation and developing it locally, interim-management, building an integrated system for personnel retention, modern instruments to develop personnel.
- Training in personal management: agenda, team und monitoring
- Intercultural training: familiarisation and training of the head office staff with the framework and setting of the foreign market (Modules: Arabian World, CIS, Romania/Albania/Kosovo) u
- Relocation support: facilitation of housing, training and briefing towards the local conditions, organising infrastructure for integration of the German employees (including their families) at that place